1. The Agreement
These general Terms of Engagement form the agreement between the Client (“Client”) and Clever Cow Pty Limited (“Clever Cow”). Other terms and conditions or other relevant documents are referenced in the schedules, attached to this agreement and/or included as part of the quotation, if relevant.
2. Engagement
The Client hereby engages Clever Cow to provide services to their company in accordance with this agreement and Clever Cow accepts this engagement. The service provided are outlined in engagement letter of the proposal or the Client’s quotation.
3. The Parties’ Representatives
Each party commits that its Staff is authorised to exercise the duties, discretions and powers vested in them under this agreement.
4. Performance Standard and Obligations
4.1. Clever Cow
4.1.1. Acknowledge that the Client has entered into this agreement relying on the skill, care, expertise, experience and judgement of Clever Cow;
4.1.2. All services must be performed in a professional, competent and timely manner and with due care, skill and diligence at the level of an experienced and competent professional providing service of a similar nature to those which Clever Cow is required to provide under this agreement;
4.1.3. Warrant that no act or omission by it does or will infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party or is or will be illegal, offensive or defamatory or prejudicial to the good name and reputation of the Client;
4.1.4. May, if required, outsource to third party contractors if deemed reasonable and in the best interest of the Client. Clever Cow will provide the Client an estimated cost, timeframe and scope of involvement of any third party prior to any such engagement;
4.1.5 Before lodgement of any necessary documentation on the Client’s behalf, Clever Cow will forward draft documentation to the Client for approval and will endeavour to ensure that documentation is lodged with the relevant departments by the due dates, provided all the information and documentation is received from the Client 14 days prior to the due lodgement date in order to allow Clever Cow adequate time for preparation and lodgement of the documentation.
4.1.6 Clever Cow will not be liable for any penalties for failure to lodge the Business Activity Statement on the due date of lodgement if documentation has not been provided by the Client in accordance with clause 4.1.5.
4.2. Client
4.2.1. Acknowledge that as the Client it must disclose all relevant information which could be required by Clever Cow to fulfil the terms of this Agreement and the Client must provide relevant documentation and information required by Clever Cow to prepare financial
reporting to comply with any legislative requirements or lodgement dates no less than 14 days prior to a lodgement date. The Client acknowledges it is solely responsible for the completeness and accuracy of all information supplied to Clever Cow. The Client will promptly advise Clever Cow of any change that occurs subsequently that renders any information already provided as misleading or incomplete and/or will advise of any change in the Client’s circumstances relevant to the scope of work carried out by Clever Cow;
4.2.2. Make all payments in full by due dates;
4.2.3. Respond to requests from Clever Cow in a timeframe which is deemed reasonable;
4.2.4 Acknowledge and authorise Clever Cow to disclose the information relating to the Client and the Client’s affairs to any third party contractor required under clause 4.1.4, and acknowledge that the tax agent services, advice or representation provided by Clever Cow are restricted to BAS agent services prescribed by the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (Cth) and/or interpreted to be a BAS service by the Tax Practitioners Board. Services, advice representations and/or the manner in which specific matters or transactions are accounted for that are determined by Clever Cow to be outside the scope of regulated BAS services will be referred to the Client’s nominated registered tax agent/accountant for determination and direction. Clever Cow will give notice to the Client of the details and documentation relating to matters that are referred and the Client acknowledges that in carrying out the broader scope of account keeping services subject to this Agreement, Clever Cow have the Client’s continuing permission to disclose information relating to the Client’s business affairs to the Client’s nominated registered tax agent/accountant as required from time to time.
4.2.5 The Client also authorises Clever Cow to contact the Client’s insurance broker as may be required from time to time.
4.2.6 The Client will provide Clever Cow access to the information in item 2 of Schedule 1.
4.2.7 The Client grants permission for any resource in the Clever Cow team, including any engaged subcontractors, access to systems and applications relevant for Clever Cow to reasonably complete the agreed work. It is agreed that the team members may change from time to time without notice and it is not a requirement for Clever Cow to advise any changes.
4.2.8 The Client acknowledges that Clever Cow is a bookkeeping organisation and therefore will not perform any of the items listed in item 3 Schedule 1;
4.2.9 Should the Client have any concern or issue regarding the work performed by Clever Cow, the Client will contact any individual nominated in item 4 of Schedule 1 as a first instance, thereafter the Client will notify the individual from Clever Cow subject to the concern or issue.
4.2.10 The Client agrees not to withhold any amount payable despite having raise with Clever Cow a desire to “make good”.
4.2.11 The Client is responsible for reviewing final reports. The Client will not be charged for any error or mistake by Clever Cow, however will be charged at the agreed rates if the Client requests any final review.
5. Fees payable to Clever Cow
5.1. By signing this agreement the Client agree to make payment by the terms set out in Schedule 2 or in the Client’s estimate/quotation.
5.2. Fees are outlined in Schedule 2 or in the Client’s quotation. Fees will be reviewed annually at which time an increase of at least CPI will be applied on top of the fees most immediately charged. Clever Cow may require the Client pay an increase above CPI. Clever Cow has the sole discretion to implement this fee increase and will give one month’s advance notice to the Client.
5.3. A non-refundable deposit of 40% is required to prior to commencement of project work. The remainder owing is agreed to be paid as set out in Schedule 2 or in the Client’s estimate/quotation.
5.4. Fee for service and other non project work will require payment in advance, based on an estimate of work to be completed.
5.5. “GST” means goods and services tax as imposed by the GST Act 1999.
5.6. Pricing is exclusive of GST unless otherwise stated.
5.7. Miscellaneous items are not included in the estimate/quotation and will be included on the final invoice.
5.8 The Client will pay to Clever Cow the fees payable for any subscription services it obtains on behalf of the client 30 days in advance and will maintain that per-payment level. If those fees are not maintained one month in advance, Clever Cow may immediately restrict or cancel access to the subscription by the Client. The Client agrees to pay any amount incurred by Clever Cow in restricting or cancelling the service in these circumstances.
5.9 Requests for work outside the agreed scope are considered variations. Any variations will be quoted and agreed prior to commencement of the work.
6. Payment terms
6.1. The client must pay the agreed fees to Clever Cow by the required payment date as stated on the invoice or written request for payment. If no time is stated then payment shall be due seven (7) days following the invoice date. Invoices less than $1,000 are payable immediately, unless otherwise agreed.
6.2. If the Client fails to pay the invoiced amount by the due date, or part thereof, then an interest rate of 10% p.a. on all monies due but not paid by the client shall be charged. The interest will be calculated on a daily basis from the due date to the date of payment. Clever Cow also reserves the right to cease all work in the event the Client fails to make any due payment.
6.3. Invoices unpaid at 30 days are automatically outsourced to a collection agency.
6.4. The additional fees and charges incurred in pursuing the debt are payable by the Client, including administration fees and legal costs.
6.5. In the event that a Clients payment is dishonoured, the Client shall be liable for the payment of any dishonour and reprocessing fees.
6.6 The Client will pay any fees for subscription services 30 days in advance.
6.7 Payment is to be provided by Direct Debit unless agreed in writing otherwise, however any other arrangement will incur a further fee of 10%.
7. Confidentiality
7.1. For the purpose of this agreement Confidential Information means all information disclosed by either party, and includes information that is by its nature confidential information, and that is designated by the Client or Clever Cow as confidential, and information that the Client or Clever Cow knows or ought to know is confidential. It does not include information that is, or becomes public (with the authority of the author) by the Client or Clever Cow, or that is required by law to be disclosed.
7.2. The parties must not disclose to any party and Confidential information except as required or allowed for by law or professional standards, or with the express consent of the other party in order to:
7.2.1 comply with the quality review program of a member body or professional body; or
7.2.2 respond to an inquiry or investigation by a member body or regulatory body; or
7.2.3 to protect the professional interests of a member in legal proceedings; or
7.2.4 Comply with technical standards and ethics requirement.
7.3. Information provided by Clever Cow to the Client as part of this agreement is confidential and is in no way to be passed onto or copied to any third party without the prior written consent of Clever Cow;
7.4. Clever Cow’s fees and charges are confidential information and are not to be passed to a third party.
7.5 Clever Cow’s Privacy Policy is detailed in Schedule 3 of this Agreement.
7.6 Where the Client has collected personal information, the Client confirms that the Client has collected the personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) and that the Client is entitled to provide this personal information to Clever Cow and that Clever Cow may use and disclose the personal information for the purpose/s Clever Cow provide its services to the Client.
7.7 The Client acknowledges that its personal information may be stored overseas in a foreign jurisdiction
8. Intellectual Property and Documents
8.1. Each party acknowledges that the ownership of and all rights in relation to intellectual property of either party or any third party that pre-exist this agreement are and remain the property of that party and there is no change to any right, title or interest in such intellectual property by virtue of this agreement. However, Clever Cow reserves the right to make and retain a reasonable number of copies of any original documentation that is owned by the Client for its records;
8.2. The ownership of any intellectual property produced as a result of this agreement remains the property of Clever Cow immediately of its creation and continuing following the termination of this Agreement. This includes but is not limited to the examples of documents listed in item 5 of Schedule 1;
8.3. Intellectual property means all rights comprised in any patent, copyright, design, and trademark eligible layout or similar, method, process, know-how including the right to apply for registration in respect of those rights, and the rights, and the right to protect trade secrets, knowhow and goodwill.
8.4 Telephone lines and subscriptions remain the property of Clever Cow, unless otherwise agreed;
8.5 The responsibility for the maintenance of business records and availability of records rests with the Client. This includes the protection of and prevention against fraud. The Client is responsible for the information contained in any statutory return and the Client will retain all necessary supporting documentation to substantiate the transactions. Clever Cow will ensure appropriate backups are taken at critical times of the financial year and will maintain a copy of the files, however this does not replace the Client’s own (required) secure back up process).
8.6 The Client acknowledges that as a BAS Agent, Clever Cow is unable to enter data without supporting documentation.
8.7 The Client acknowledges that Clever Cow may use Accounting Software to perform bookkeeping services.
8.8 If Clever Cow’s bookkeeping services are terminated, the ownership of the file remains with the Client and it is still the Client’s responsibility to properly back up the relevant files. The Client also acknowledges that the terms and conditions of a software provider/s allows for their access to the Client’s data.
8.9 Upon the request of Clever Cow either during the Agreement or following termination, the Client will collect its property without delay which will be released to the Client once Clever Cow’s accounts are paid. Should any of the Client’s property remain in Clever Cow’s possession following its request to collect it, Clever Cow will hold the property for three months before destroying it in accordance with the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012.
9. Insurance and Indemnity
9.1. The Client’s liability to Clever Cow shall not be limited or otherwise affected by the terms or limits of any policy. If Clever Cow suffers loss or damage attributable either party or wholly due to the Client’s negligence or wrongful act or omission, or breach of agreement, the rights of Clever Cow to recover damages shall not be limited by any terms or limits of any policy held by the Client.
9.2. Clever Cow holds professional indemnity insurance to the level specified by the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) as required by the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (Cth).
9.3 Clever Cow’s liability is limited to item 9 of Schedule 1 (Scope of Work).
9.4 The Client agrees to indemnify Clever Cow for any loss that may result from third party claims arising from the provisions of the services. If there is a claim against Clever Cow for loss, the loss will be proportionately reduced by the extent of the Client’s contribution to the loss.
10. Restraint
10.1 Under no circumstances is the Client to canvas, solicit, employ, contract to or hire in any form a contractor or employee who has performed work under Clever Cow Pty Limited either during the term of the Agreement or for a minimum of 24 months after termination of this agreement or termination of any contractor or employment arrangements.
10.2 If the Client breaches clause 10.1 the Client agrees to reimburse Clever Cow for the equivalent of six (6) months of the salary or wage the Client offered to the contractor or employee or an amount Clever Cow agrees to accept.
11. Disclaimer
11.1 The recommendations provided are based on the information provided, research and work experience. The decision to implement these recommendations remains with the business owner, and no guarantee of their success is provided.
12. Termination
12.1. On completion of the Services or on termination of the Agreement, the Client shall promptly return all Clever Cow’s documents and materials and other information provided to the Client by Clever Cow.
12.2. Without prejudice to any other rights, remedies or liabilities, the Agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice if:
12.2.1. The other party becomes incapable of continuing by reason of death, bankruptcy, or insolvency (as defined by the Corporations Act); or
12.2.2. The other party is in breach of this agreement and fails to remedy the breach within 7 days of written notice requiring it to do so.
12.3 Clever Cow will endeavour to retain any documents created in the scope of this Agreement or received by the Client for at least seven (7) years on the understanding that Clever Cow has the Client’s authority to destroy the Client’s files seven (7) years after the date of completion of the work. This excludes any documents that are expressly placed in safe custody.
12.4 If the Client fails to give notice in accordance with clause 12.2, the Client agrees to pay a final invoice which will be raised in an amount that is equal to the average of the previous four (4) invoices in lieu of notice. The Client acknowledges that this period is required in order to allow professional and complete handover of the Client’s accounts.
12.5 Notwithstanding any subclause of clause 12, Clever Cow has the sole discretion to terminate the engagement by providing 30 days notice to the Client. Clever Cow may (but is not limited to) terminate the Agreement if any one of the following occurs:
12.5.1 the Client fails pay its bills in accordance with this Agreement; or
12.5.2 the Client fails to provide Clever Cow adequate instructions in a timely and reasonable fashion; or
12.5.3 the Client gives information that is deliberately false or intentionally misleading; or
12.5.4 there is a conflict of interest; or
12.5.5 the Client indicates that it has lost confidence in Clever Cow; or
12.5.6 for any other just cause.
12.6 In the event Clever Cow relies on clause 12.5 to terminate the Agreement, Clever Cow will give the Client at least 14 days’ notice of its intention to terminate the Agreement on grounds contained in the notice.
12.7 The Client will not be entitled to terminate the Agreement under any circumstances unless: 12.7.1 clause 12.2 applies; OR
12.7.2 the Client provides a written request to Clever Cow that the Agreement be terminated AND Clever Cow agrees to the request and provides notice to the Client that the Agreement will terminate in 30 days, in which case the Client will be required to immediately pay Clever Cow’s outstanding professional fees, charges, expenses and disbursement incurred for services up to the date of termination. In the event lump sum payments are made, the Client must pay the part of Clever Cow’s lump sum fees that are reasonably estimated by Clever Cow and that have been incurred in respect of the services provided to the Client up to the date of termination, plus charges, expenses and disbursements.
12.8 On termination of this Agreement, Clever Cow is entitled to retain possession of any documents whilst there is money owed for charges and expenses.
12.9 Clever Cow may assert a lien on any records or business data. That is, Clever Cow reserves the right to hold any records and data against any outstanding debts.
12.10 For variable work (excluding fixed price and subscription services) conducted and invoiced weekly, the Client must give four (4) weeks notice of termination and agrees to pay a final invoice which will be raised in an amount that is equal to the total of the previous four (4) invoices.
13. Dispute Resolution
13.1 Without prejudice to any right of a party to institute proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction, any dispute between the parties shall, in good faith, first be sought to be resolved by negotiation between each party. Prior to resorting to litigation, the parties shall engage in mediation in good faith once a written request to mediate has been given by any party to the Agreement. The results of any such mediation shall be binding only upon agreement of each party to be bound. The costs of any mediation proceeding shall be shared equally by the participating parties. If the dispute is not resolved within 20 days, the parties will explore alternative dispute resolution methods.
13.2 Should there be an issue regarding the ethical or business practices of Clever Cow or any of its staff, such matters may be referred to ICB and/or AAT. However, as the bookkeeping industry does not have regulated fees, ICB or AAT will not investigate purely fee-based disputes but may recommend the parties seek mediation to resolve such disputes.
14. Conflict of Interest
14.1 The Client shall immediately upon becoming aware notify Clever Cow of any matter which may give rise to an actual or potential conflict of interest.
14.2 If the Client consists of more than one instructing body (or entity), the Client irrevocably and unconditionally consents to any conflict (if any) that may arise and the Client authorises Clever Cow to accept instructions from one body, as instructions coming from the other, without having to revert to the other. The Client will be severally and jointly liable for any fees, charged or disbursements incurred.
15. Transfer or Assignment
15.1 The Client may not transfer, assign, mortgage, charge or encumber all or any part of this agreement without the prior written approval of Clever Cow, and then only on such terms and conditions as Clever Cow in its absolute discretion agrees to. For the purpose of this clause an assignment shall be deemed to take place in any circumstances where there is a change in the effective control of the Client.
16. Notices
16.1 In addition to any other method of service permitted by law notices shall be deemed to be property served if sent to the recipient by prepaid mail, personal delivery, email or facsimile.
16.2 The Client acknowledges that electronic communication is not secure and may be copied, recorded, read or interfered with by third parties while in transit and accordingly, the Client releases Clever Cow from any claim the Client may have as a result of any unauthorised copying, recording, reading or interference with any document that Clever Cow sends or receives by way of electronic communication, or for any delay or non-delivery of any document and for any damage caused to the Client’s system or any files by a transfer by way of electronic communication.
17. Variations
17.1 This agreement and any of its obligations may be varied only in writing and agreed by each party.
18. General
18.1. The rights and obligations under this agreement cannot be waived except by express notice specifying the waiver;
18.2. The failure, delay, relaxation, or indulgence on the part of either party in exercising any power or right conferred upon that party by this agreement does not operate as a waiver of that power or right, nor does any single exercise of any power or right preclude any other or further exercise of it or the exercise of any other right or power under this agreement;
18.3. If any provision of this agreement is invalid and not enforceable in accordance with its terms, all other provisions which are self-sustaining and capable of enforcement without regard to the invalid provisions shall be and continue to be valid and enforceable in accordance with their terms;
18.4. This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New South Wales. The parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of New South Wales.
1. The Agreement
These general Terms of Engagement from the agreement between the Client (“you”) and Clever Cow Pty Limited (“Clever Cow”). Other terms and conditions or other relevant documents are referenced in the schedule 1, attached to this agreement and/or included as part of the quotation, if relevant.
2. Engagement
The Client hereby engages Clever Cow to provide services to their company in accordance with this agreement and Clever Cow accepts this engagement. The service provided are outlined in Schedule 3 of the proposal or your quotation.
3. The Parties’ Representatives
Each party commits that its Staff is authorized to exercise the duties, discretions and powers vested in them under this agreement.
4. Performance Standard
4.1. Clever Cow
4.1.1. Acknowledge that the Client has entered into this agreement relying on the skill, care, expertise, experience and judgement of Clever Cow;
4.1.2. All services must be performed in a professional, competent and timely manner and with due care, skill and diligence at the level of an experienced and competent professional providing service of a similar nature to those which Clever Cow is required to provide under this agreement;
4.1.3. Warrant that no act or omission by it does or will infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party or is or will be illegal, offensive or defamatory or prejudicial to the good name and reputation of the Client;
4.1.4. May, if required, outsource to third party contractors if deemed reasonable and in the best interest of the Client;
4.2. Client
4.2.1. Acknowledge that as the Client must disclose all relevant information which could be required by Clever Cow to fulfil the terms of this agreement;
4.2.2. Make all payments in full by due dates;
4.2.3. Respond to requests from Clever Cow in a timeframe which is deemed reasonable;
5. Fees payable to Clever Cow
5.1. By signing this agreement you agree to make payment by the terms set out in Schedule 2 or in your estimate/quotation.
5.2. Fees are outlined in Schedule 2 or in your quotation.
5.3. A non-refundable deposit of 40% is required to prior to commencement of project work. The remainder owing is agreed to be paid as set out in Schedule 2 or in your estimate/quotation.
5.4. Fee for service and other none project work will require payment in advance, based on an estimate of work to be completed.
5.5. “GST” means goods and services tax as imposed by the GST Act 1999.
5.6. Pricing is exclusive of GST unless otherwise stated.
5.7. Miscellaneous items are not included in the estimate/quotation and will be included on the final invoice.
6. Payment terms
6.1. The client must pay the agreed fees to Clever Cow by the required payment date as stated on the invoice or written request for payment. If no time is stated then payment shall be due seven (7) days following the invoice date. Invoices less than $1,000 are payable immediately, unless otherwise agreed.
6.2. If the Client fails to pay the invoiced amount by the due date, or part thereof, then an interest rate of 10% p.a. on all monies due but not paid by the client shall be charged. The interest will be calculated on a daily basis from the due date to the date of payment.
6.3. Invoices unpaid at 30 days are automatically outsourced to a collection agency.
6.4. The additional fees and charges incurred in pursuing the debt are payable by the Client, including administration fees and legal costs.
6.5. In the event that a client’s payment is dishonoured, the Client shall be liable for the payment of any dishonour and reprocessing fees.
7. Confidentiality
7.1. For the purpose of this agreement Confidential Information means all information relating directly or indirectly to the Client and Clever Cow, and includes information that is by nature confidential, information that is designated by the Client or Clever Cow as confidential, and information that the Client or Clever Cow knows or ought to know is confidential. It does not include information that is or becomes public by the Client or Clever Cow, or that is required by law to be disclosed.
7.2. Information provided to Clever Cow as part of this agreement is treated as confidential. Any information acquired by us in the course of this agreement is subject to strict confidentiality requirements. Information will not be disclosed by us to other parties except as required or allowed for by law or professional standards, or with your express consent.
7.3. Information provided by Clever Cow to the Client as part of this agreement is confidential and is in no way to be passed onto or copied to any third party without the written consent of Clever Cow;
7.4. Clever Cow’s fees and charges are confidential information and are not to be passed to a third party.
8. Intellectual Property and Documents
8.1. Each party acknowledges that the ownership of and all rights in relation to intellectual property of either party or any third party that pre-exist this agreement are and remain the property of that party and there is no change to any right, title or interest in such intellectual property by virtue of this agreement;
8.2. The ownership of any intellectual property produced as a result of this agreement remains the property of Clever Cow immediately of its creation.
8.3. Intellectual property means all rights comprised in any patent, copyright, design, and trademark eligible layout or similar, including the right to apply for registration in respect of those rights, and the rights, and the right to protect trade secrets, knowhow and goodwill.
9. Insurance
9.1. The Client liability to Clever Cow shall not be limited or otherwise affected by the terms or limits of any policy. If Clever Cow suffers loss or damage attributable either party or wholly due to the Client’s negligence or wrongful act or omission, or breach of agreement, the rights of Clever Cow to recover damages shall not be limited by any terms or limits of any policy held by the Client.
9.2. Clever Cow has professional Indemnity Insurance.
10. Restraint
Under no circumstances are you to employ, contract to or hire in any form a contractor or employee who has performed work under Clever Cow Pty Limited for a minimum of 24 months after termination of this agreement or termination of contractor or employment arrangements.
11. Disclaimer
The recommendations provided are based on the information provided, research and work experience. The decision to implement these recommendations remains with the business owner, and no guarantee of their success is provided.
12. Termination
12.1. On completion of the Services or on termination of the agreement, the Client shall promptly return all Clever Cow’s documents and materials and other information provided to the Client by Clever Cow.
12.2. Without prejudice to any other rights, remedies or liabilities, the agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice if:
12.2.1. The other party becomes incapable of continuing by reason of death, bankruptcy, or insolvency (as defined by the Corporations Act); or
12.2.2. The other party is in breach of this agreement and fails to remedy the breach within 7 days of written notice requiring it to do so.
13. Dispute Resolution
Without prejudice to any right of a party to institute proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction, any dispute between the parties shall, in good faith, first be sought to be resolved by negotiation between each party. If the dispute is not resolved within 20 days, the parties will explore alternative dispute resolution methods.
14. Conflict of Interest
The Client shall immediately upon becoming aware notify Clever Cow of any matter which may give rise to an actual or potential conflict of interest.
15. Transfer or Assignment
The Client may not transfer, assign, mortgage, charge or encumber all or any part of this agreement without the prior written approval of Clever Cow, and then only on such terms and conditions as Clever Cow in its absolute discretion agrees to. For the purpose of this clause an assignment shall be deemed to take place in any circumstances where there is a change in the effective control of the Client.
16. Notices
In addition to any other method of service permitted by law notices shall be deemed to be property served if sent to the recipient by prepaid mail, personal delivery, email or facsimile.
17. Variations
This agreement and any of its obligations may be varied only in writing and agreed by each party.
18. General
18.1. The rights and obligations under this agreement cannot be waived except by express notice specifying the waiver;
18.2. The failure, delay, relaxation, or indulgence on the part of either party in exercising any power or right conferred upon that party by this agreement does not operate as a waiver of that power or right, nor does any single exercise of any power or right preclude any other or further exercise of it or the exercise of any other right or power under this agreement;
18.3. If any provision of this agreement is invalid and not enforceable in accordance with its terms, all other provisions which are self-sustaining and capable of enforcement without regard to the invalid provisions shall be and continue to be valid and enforceable in accordance with their terms;
18.4. This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New South Wales. The parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of New South Wales.
Terms of Use
Published 19 April 2012If you have any questions or requests regarding the Terms of Use, please email us
Privacy Policy
Published 19 April 2012
If you have any questions or requests regarding our Privacy Policy and collection of data, please email us
If you have any questions regarding our Terms and Conditions please email us